Kate Wood | @itskatewood
Each month we put the spotlight on moms / artists / content creators / fun lovers... that inspire us, challenge us, motivate us. Our muses!
Our muses have graciously given up their time to share insight into their lives. We hope you enjoy reading about them, and what makes them tick, as much as we have enjoyed working with them.

We asked Kate to tell us a little about herself...
Kate - "Hi! I’m Kate. Originally from the UK, I’ve lived in Hong Kong for 11 years and I’m a new (human) mum to Chloe James (CJ) and an experienced dog mom to miniature dachshund Beau!"
...and she explains what kept her in Hong Kong
Kate - "I came to Hong Kong to study a master's in International Law and quickly fell in love with the city. I met my now fiancé (covid wedding pending) on my first night in Wan Chai - a classic love story, and 3 careers, 4 apartments, a puppy, and a COVID baby later, we’re still here as in love with the city as ever! "
Kate talks about how she juggles work, running Beau's account and more"
Kate - "I have anxiety which for me interprets into thriving on being busy and working best under pressure. I love having different outlets to channel my energy whether it’s my job in finance, running Hong Kong Scottish netball or helping my PT clients stay fit and healthy. Beau’s Instagram was a great covid project after our 2020 wedding was postponed and I love meeting and engaging with so many local dog-friendly brands as well as the fantastic Hong Kong dog community - dog people are the best!"

Now a question from Jesse Duncan - What have you learned about yourself after becoming a mother?
Kate - "This is a really tough question - I’ve learned so much about myself! One thing I was worried about (and still am) is how your identity changes when you become a mum, amongst all the nappy changes, feeds and panic checking the baby is still breathing - who am I? Throughout my pregnancy, I decided to challenge stereotypes, by continuing to exercise up until the day CJ was born (under physio sign-off) and by wearing crop tops up until the day I went into the hospital. Since CJ arrived this hasn’t changed - I’ve learned that although putting yourself into uncomfortable situations with a newborn - like traveling or doing a nappy change on the beach - everything is temporary and you CAN do it. A stressful situation is fleeting and the memories made with your family are so worth it."

Kate speaks about how her life has changed since CJ came into the world
Kate - "Well, I’m definitely going to have less time for Beau’s Instagram content - ha! We’re 6 weeks into life with CJ and so far we’ve done our best to continue doing the things we love. We traveled to Thailand when she was 3 weeks old and will spend the rest of the summer in Europe before I go back to work in August. We’ve had to adapt (like leaving the beach club slightly earlier than we would have before - ha) and we’ll continue to adapt as she grows but going back to the previous question, being comfortable being uncomfortable is key!
The other thing to mention is taking things slow - at 6 weeks postpartum I’m slowly returning to exercise and it’s important to recognise the trauma your body has been through delivering a baby. Dialling things right back to basics and relearning is going to be tough but is essential to aid recovery and this applies to many other aspects of life as a new mum!"
Kate talks style...
Kate - "I’m all about the crop tops and coords! You’ll either find me in activewear or full glam, I don’t really have an in-between which I definitely struggled with during pregnancy. I was once asked why I wasn’t wearing “maternity clothes” which offended me as surely maternity clothes are anything you choose to wear during your pregnancy and aren’t dictated by a certain label or elasticated waistband? So many great brands now have “bump friendly” sections on their websites which allows you to buy pieces that can transition from pregnancy to postnatal - and other brands are also starting to use prenatal models on their websites showing you how pieces can be worn or adapted when pregnant."

Now on to the cute @itsyourboybeau.
Kate - "After our wedding was postponed 6 weeks before due to COVID I was devastated, we’d had a long 3-year engagement so our family and friends from England and New Zealand could be there and the build-up had been so long. Shortly after, Beau joined our family and I set him up on Instagram with no expectations. Little did I know within weeks I’d turn into the Kris Jenner of dog moms and I loved showing the world Beau’s life of adventure in Hong Kong! Despite those little legs Beau loves hiking, sailing, swimming, and camping and I can’t wait to take him on more adventures to come with his little sister, CJ."

What’s been your biggest hurdle since CJ was born?
Kate - "This is easy…. STERILIZING!! No one tells you about all the sterilizing!! The other hurdle is how to pee when you’re out in public with your baby - strollers do NOT fit comfortably in toilet stalls so I’ve had to mount the back of the yo-yo several times to reach the toilet bowl - there’s also something slightly awkward about trying to squat with CJ in the carrier giving you a withering look."
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