Jesse Duncan | @jesseduuncan
Our muses have graciously given up their time to share insight into their lives. We hope you enjoy reading about them, and what makes them tick, as much as we have enjoyed working with them.

We asked Jesse to tell us a little about herself
Jesse - "I am 24, Canadian and a first time mama to my beautiful 5-month-old baby girl - Tilly and wife to my husband - Logan. I have recently dived into the content creator side of social media.
I’m starting to feel like I found myself, my purpose, my passion, my life. Since having Tilly and creating content I have never felt so at peace with my life and fulfilling my dreams come true."

We're always interested to understand the woman before motherhood and the changes it brings
Jesse - "Jesse before motherhood was a girl who had a passion for supporting, educating and helping children and their families. I attended post-secondary education for Early Learning and Child Care from there I worked in many careers settings that revolve around children.
I have had the title of a childcare educator, preschool teacher, respite worker, family intervention worker, family support worker and family facilitator.
From a young age I knew I had a passion for making a positive impact on children and that I did. However, I was waiting for the day that I got to bring my own child into this world. When I say motherhood is a dream come true, I truly mean it."
...and those changes. Jesses shares more
Jesse - "Is it possible to say everything? When I look back to my life 5 months ago, it doesn’t even compare to my life now. My day-to-day life, my outlook on life, my beliefs, my values, my mental health, my relationships and my goals. It has all changed, changed for the better.
Tilly has brought so much light, love and inspiration into my life. I often tell myself that I brought Tilly into this world but really, she was the one that brought me to life."
Images @danahudsonphoto
We dug a little deeper and Jesse was willing to share some tough times
Jesse - "Motherhood isn’t easy. No one said it was. From the day you become pregnant your body starts to make changes - physically, mentally, and emotionally. By definition postpartum is the first 6 weeks post birth, however I believe it is much longer than that.
I never experienced the early on PPD, baby blues or PMAD so I thought I was in the clear, I didn’t think that postpartum was going to affect me. 4 months in I realized things were starting to hit me, the hair loss, weight loss, decreased appetite, painful breakouts, sensitive skin, increased allergies, anxiety, dealing with physical changes that I have to seek physiotherapy for, and now being referred to a GYN due to complications from birth.
I could no longer push these symptoms to the side and believe that postpartum isn’t affecting me, because it is and it is hitting me hard. I am currently seeking the help and support I need; I encourage every mama to reach out for support if they are struggling. No mamas postpartum journeys are the same, but I can tell you that you are not alone."

Jesse shared with us her WHY for content creation
Jesse - "Tilly is my reason why. For many years I followed content creators, they influenced my day-to-day life, they gave me hope, they made me not feel alone, they inspired me, they gave me something to relate to.
Part of me hoped to become that for someone one day, but I never believed in myself or had confidence in myself to become a content creator.
There was nothing that I was incredibly passionate that I wanted or enjoyed sharing on my personal social media. And then I entered motherhood… and everything changed. I found my passion, a motherhood content creator.
It brings me joy sharing my raw motherhood journey, positively impacting and supporting other mamas, sharing tips and tricks, being relatable and sharing baby, mama and family products we love."

We asked Jesse to shared a little insight into her style
Jesse - "Neutrals, neutrals, neutrals. If I could describe my style in one word it would be neutrals!
From my fashion to interior home style and design to my Instagram feed and of course to Tilly’s fashion it all aligns as neutral boho.
I have never been a fan of bright colours, especially pink.. I find neutrals to be timeless and beautiful! One day I know Tilly will be head to toe in bright pink so I am soaking up all the neutral colours and matching outfits with her while I still can!"
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